Pipeline Inspection with camera ( CCTV inspection)
In the assessment of the condition of gravity flow pipelines, camera inspections also play an important role. Every pipeline owner should have an overview of the condition of their pipelines. It is necessary to carry out periodic assessments of pipeline condition, according to established norms. A camera inspection provides an accurate overview of the pipeline condition and helps anticipate potential problems, allowing for necessary renovation work to be planned in advance. Early planning of renovation work can save money as emergency work is usually three times more expensive than timely renovation work.
The prerequisite for all renovation projects is a camera inspection of the existing pipeline. Based on the camera inspection report, we can select the appropriate method for pipeline renovation.
Camera inspection is also required for the post-construction check of new pipelines.
Nordig OÜ's technical park includes the SoloPro pushrod camera and the IBOS Camboss150 camera system buit in van ( camera van) with appropriate software for reports.